I think you were just on RCR - if so very insightful interview and thank you for sharing your journey. Can relate to much of what you were saying.

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Hi Mark, caught you on rcr.. appreciate the information and perspective πŸ–πŸ˜Š

We are in a health crises and a culture crises no doubt, I agree fully. I wanted to say that like you many of us have had to sift through the available information to find the reality of "what is good health?"

I have contacted you simply to offer some worthy information for your consideration.. you may be aware already, I don't know, I can only hope it helps.

A great basis for health I believe is the old school equation F+O=E : Function + Organ = Energy..

On the organ side of the equation I thought you and your net could benefit from the observation of that miraculous thing.. one the world seems to be trying its hardest to destroy.. Fulvic. (In its natural state as opposed to its acidic form).

I am not sure whether you have this in your kit, but from an objective stance I fully believe that this chemical (the result of a symbiotic relationship between the soil and plants), is the key to true nutrition. It is the primary factor of nutrition in respect to cell nourishment.

In regard to the rcr subject of discussion on the toxicity of metallic minerals, Fulvic basically 'predigests' minerals.. all minerals.. breaking them down 1000's of times smaller than say their 'metallic' elements which in turn allows the minerals to 'nourish' the cells of plants and animals as opposed to these natural nutrients building up in the system and becoming 'toxic'

Although more naturally achieved outside the body.. where we can benefit from consuming nutrient rich plants and herbs for example, Fulvic can also benefit plants and animals by breaking down toxins such as metallic minerals and heavy metals but also including chemicals such as pharmaceuticals inside the body, simultaneously aiding in detoxification as well as cellular nutrition.

Either way it is a marvelous thing, the tip of the iceberg when it comes to nutrition, but the spearhead also.

Cheers Mark, again, appreciate the fact you are out there making a difference, when we can all win it is a great thing indeed.


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