Independent Report into the Bad Culture in the New Zealand Health System and its Role in the Breakdown of Civilised Society 2022. (A brief overview) Author: Mark Kennard Date: 30 May 2022 The purpose of this report is to: • Describe the bad culture that has evolved in the New Zealand Health System over many decades, • List the rules and practices of the bad culture • Provide reasons for its existence and in what instances it is applied • Explore the effects this culture has on medical staff. • Look into New Zealand specific factors that exacerbate the effects of the bad culture • Comment on the effects of the culture on the provision of future health care • Comment on the contribution the bad culture has made to the breakdown of social cohesion and civilised society by failing to uphold the rule of law. Introduction Adaptability is the secret to human survival and domination as a species. Its what sets us apart from animals and is a very important skill we utilise every day in order to survive. But those same skills play an integral role in the evolution of the bad culture in our health system as our Specialists and Doctors have had to find ways to survive in the industry with the resources they have and working under legislation that promotes an atmosphere of fear. They have had to make bad policy workable. The quality of the healthcare system in New Zealand is a contentious issue among New Zealanders with many believing we have a professional world class health system while others see it as the coalface of abuse by the state. Such divergent opinions in such a small country indicate that while our healthcare system is performing adequately in many areas there are other areas which are completely failing to provide a professional and ethical service. In New Zealand we are told we have a no fault medical system and in the event we injure ourselves at work or are injured by medical treatment we have ACC to support us until we can get back to work and become contributing members of society again. This also means that if we are harmed in the course of medical treatment that our Specialists can be confident they wont be held liable for the injury and will have no reason to cover up the injury. Taken at face value this seems like a very fair and sensible approach but in the operational reality of this policy nothing could be further from the truth. The fear of liability is from the medical council as diagnosing a medical device injury can and will lead to what amounts to punishment. From the moment we are born, we are conditioned to believe that members of our public service are highly ethical and trustworthy people that will always uphold the rule of law. This idea is even promoted to us in childrens books where the common theme is that if we are ever in an abusive situation we can approach a Doctor or teacher or the police and they will get us help. But is this in fact true or does it only exist in the realm of fairytales? The bad culture in our health system is a natural human group reaction to bad health policy and severe under-staffing. It only exists out of necessity and indeed if the bad culture was immediately ended overnight, our whole health system may collapse within days. If all our medical staff were fired and replaced with a new team the bad culture would start to evolve within the new staff as its an unavoidable result of bad policy. While bad health policy is the only reason for the existence of the bad culture our government are not open to making the necessary changes to remedy the problem as they benefit from the status quo. The perceived benefits our government receive from being bad employers are not just financial. Getting rid of the bad culture would also greatly affect negotiations with pharmaceutical supply contracts and this may scare our government as it could also result in geopolitical complications. Over the last few years we have learned through the media that it’s believed that only about 1% of adverse events to medical devices are recorded. But we are never told any convincing reason as to why. It makes one wonder how much suffering the other 99% are going through. The reason however is clear. When it comes to adverse events to medical devices and pharmaceutical products our Specialists operate in an environment of extreme fear. Anytime they are faced with a medical device injury is a threat to their career. As we have seen with the novel mRNA vaccine roll out, simply telling a patient the vaccine may not be safe for them can see the doctor face scrutiny from the medical council. It is no different with spinal implants, surgical clips, bone cement, pharmaceutical medications and even dental products and birth control devices. Diagnosing a bad reaction caused by a medical device or product can be a very painful drawn out path to unemployment. This is the reason the bad culture has developed. For self preservation. But it is also contributing to an imminent existential crisis for our nation and the collapse of our health system and social order. About the Author – Mark Kennard From a very young age the differences between us as humans has been the major motivating force in my life and from a very young age my intelligence has been lauded wherever I go. Throughout my life I’ve been described as an academic, an intellectual, a polymath and even a savant. By Teachers, Doctors and employers it is my high level of intelligence that has been my defining feature all through my life and as such my score in the Mensa home test reflected this. Finding out what a futurist does for a job about 30 years ago was a turning point in how i approached the world. A futurist is someone who is employed to either predict future events or to alter future events. There are no university courses to become a futurist as there are only a handful of jobs in the world. People are usually noticed and hand picked for their skills. They are most commonly used by governments to alter the future direction of society and requires someone with great foresight. The World Economic Forum is a current example of the type of organisation in which governments consult with futurists. Being a futurist requires a good knowledge of why different groups in society make the decisions they do, how they look at life, how they interact and what decisions got them to their current situation. It also requires a good knowledge of the language different groups use in different situations and why. Being a good futurist also requires impartiality and universal respect for without those things its not possible to be shown the real world. I have qualifications in diagnosis and communication as well as candidate assessment qualifications and in ethics and professionalism. My very long and drawn out experience in the health system over decades has given me an insight into the motivations and fears of our medical personnel and the reasons they make the decisions they do. Things the public don’t usually get to see. I've had many even confide in me over the years about their fears and about the nature of the bad culture in the health system. And how the legislation can be used as a weapon against them. Yet they are unable to speak up. Unable to ask for help. I have been forced to become an expert in biological responses to metals over the past 17 years due to not being able to get help in New Zealand. That journey saw me meet some very smart scientists and Specialists at the top of their fields in this branch of medicine in Europe. My years of learning and experience with many other patients has seen me become known all around the world as a patient expert on this topic with regards to immune responses to orthopaedic implants. My knowledge and experience are such that in many cases I am able to tell if someone is reacting to metals like those in vaccines or orthopaedic implants just by observing their behaviour and their facial features. I first became aware of the bad culture in our health system when in 2005 after undergoing surgery i had a bad reaction to a titanium alloy spinal implant. That’s when i also realised that my life had been badly affected by this bad culture from the age of 14 when i had my first bad reaction to a pharmaceutical product. Since my 2005 surgery I’ve had 3 further surgeries which also resulted in a treatment injury so i have years of experience to draw from. In the course of my interactions in our health system i have witnessed some of the worst traits of human behaviour on display and at a rate far more prevalent than anything i have witnessed amongst the general public. I had a happy trouble-free childhood and i am not someone that has conflict in their personal or family life at all, so it came as quite a shock that these Specialists and Doctors who are supposed to be bastions of ethics and morality were actually the worst examples of human beings i have ever encountered. But how can this be. How can things have turned out so wrong? While i hoped my case was a rare isolated event, I came to learn through my decades of repeat adverse experiences that in certain situations, their bad behaviour is more often the rule than the exception. This may be shocking and almost unbelievable to hear but as we uncover the causes and effects of the bad culture in our health system it should become clear to most that its the inevitable result of bad health policy, under-resourcing, a lack of accountability and the highly politicised nature of healthcare creating an environment of fear. Reasons for Existence The main reason for the existence of the bad culture is fear of the medical council and bad health policies. Our Specialists are avoiding everything which has the potential to attract the attention and scrutiny of the medical council and the bad culture is centred around hiding medical device injuries and treatment injuries with which the medical council wields a disproportionately heavy fist. For many decades all across New Zealand, our Specialists and Doctors have been concealing adverse reactions to medical devices and treatment injuries and this has created a hidden crisis of unnecessary suffering and death. Even blatantly obvious adverse events that occur in front of Specialists are being hidden and covered up out of fear of the medical council. Mistakes by Specialists leading to harm are also being covered up for the same reason. The reason that medical device injuries and treatment injuries are being covered up is also due to the amount of paperwork they create. Diagnosing a bad immune type reaction to a medical device involves ACC who will immediately scrutinise and challenge the Specialist on their diagnosis. As our government don't provide any diagnostic tests for our Specialists to confirm their clinical diagnosis of an immune type reaction it means ACC are able to decline the Specialists advice as a wrong diagnosis without any justification. They just get their own medical advisor to say that a bad reaction to the medical device is not thought to be possible. Which is a blatant lie of course. Specialists already know that ACC will have the final say and they know its an impossible and time consuming fight. So why should they bother with the huge workload it involves if they cannot win. The medical council then scrutinising their competence is also a process impossible for the specialist to win. Because if the medical council were to agree that the specialist was correct in diagnosing the medical device as the cause of illness the implications would be huge. It would cost the country hundreds of millions of dollars in past and future ACC claims for that medical device. Which is the case with my spinal implants. The big problem in New Zealand is that none of our public servants whose role it is want to be the one to inflict the financial burden on ACC and the country from bad reactions to medical devices so they are avoiding acknowledging the possibility with reactions to various medical devices. And that is why the specialist cannot win that fight. Why put their career at risk for one suffering patient. It would make no sense. The specialist is put in a position where they have to choose between taking the moral and ethical choice for the patient by telling the truth and getting them medical help, or protecting their career and their workload by telling the patient its not possible their symptoms can be related to the medical device. In which case the patient will suffer for the rest of their lives. These patients then become a burden on the health system as they have no choice but to continue looking for relief from their suffering and their lack of help makes their health deteriorate further. But even medical devices and pharmaceuticals which list well known and documented adverse events are being hidden by Doctors and Specialists. Even though patients can get their condition acknowledged, tested and receive medical help overseas. The bank balance of ACC is a measure of performance. If it was to suddenly become emptied due to ACC acknowledging bad reactions to medical devices instead of them being covered up, Id imagine the chief executive would not be in the position for much longer. Public health is being sacrificed for good performance reviews. As this has been going on for decades, ACC has amassed a large number of declined claims for bad reactions to medical devices for which they refuse to cover and if they were to accept one of them they would have to reassess all past declined claims and would have to pay out compensation likely on many of them. Due to the amount of declined claims they hold already it would cost a small fortune. The main issue is the medical council has created a system which disincentivises our Specialists from reporting bad immune type reactions to medical devices. Their reaction is not proportionate and is more like a punishment and as the medical council will also say a bad reaction is not thought to be possible the specialist will more than likely receive what amounts to punishment even though they are correct. For ACC and the medical council to say a bad reaction to a medical device is not thought to be possible they have to completely go against the fundamentals of science. • Medical devices are made from materials which are antigenic in nature. • An antigen is by definition a foreign substance that can cause an immune response. • Our immune systems job is to attack foreign objects and substances. • There are tests available overseas which are diagnostic tests and can confirm bad antigenic reactions to medical devices. • Astra Zeneca Pharmaceuticals regularly test their employees in their pharmaceutical factories with the Melisa test to ensure they aren’t reacting to the chemicals they are handling. This test can confirm if someone is having an antigenic reaction to medical devices like orthopaedic implants and dental products and is considered the gold standard by orthopaedic surgeons overseas who utilise this test. • In USA there is another company that offers tests to diagnose adverse events to medical devices called Orthopaedics Analysis. • When it comes to medical and dental devices made wholly or partly from metals, there is even a 570 page book on the topic being sold as a clinical manual overseas. • After a comprehensive review of all the scientific literature, the FDA has acknowledged that a sub-group of the population will have bad biological responses to orthopaedic implants due to their biological response to metals. • I know of cardiac devices made from titanium which are on the market which even state in the advertising material they are contra-indicated in people allergic to titanium. Yet our medical authorities in New Zealand want us to believe its not possible to be allergic to titanium even when presented with indisputable proof and this has multiplied the harm that is being caused. Not just harm to more and more patients but also harm to the Specialists involved as they are essentially being bullied by the medical council into believing and propagating a false reality. And then of course in turn those Specialists have to try and bully the affected patients into believing a false reality if there is resistance. With my first implant in 2005 I was very lucky. There were Specialists who could see what was going on and they warned me my surgeon was trying to stop me getting medical care. They also helped me to find a way that i could demand my surgeon remove the implant and that is what happened. When i awoke from the surgery to remove the implant my appearance was back to normal. The implant being the cause of my bad health could not be denied and ACC was informed that my surgeon believed the implant was the cause. I was sent to an immunologist who also agreed and told ACC i needed to be tested for type 4 allergy to the metals in my implant(The Melisa Test). I had also been in regular contact with Prof Vera Stejskal in Europe, the inventor of the Melisa test for 3 years. She was monitoring my symptoms and giving advice. She also believed that I had developed a type 4 allergy to the implant metals but as the test wasn’t available in New Zealand I couldn’t be tested. She taught me an awful lot over those 3 years including about the political situation with regards to medical device injuries and told me New Zealand was the worst place in the world on this issue. A sentiment i have heard repeated by many Specialists and dentists who have worked all over the world. So even though all my Specialists at this point were now telling ACC it was definitely the implant I still did not receive cover. ACC just employed someone to say its not believed to be possible. Accepting cover would have meant hundreds of millions of dollars reassessing past claims and for current and future claims. But that meant my medical team and every other doctor in future had to now pretend that the implant hadn't been the cause of my systemic immune symptoms. And I suffered terribly for years. So is it any wonder our Specialists will do anything to avoid dealing with ACC on medical device injuries when their expertise will just be challenged, the patient will just be refused cover anyway and everyone involved will have to pretend the patient has a mystery illness instead. In my 2005 Implant allergy case ACC sent me around all manner of Specialists for about 10 years trying to find a different reason for my symptoms that wasn’t related to my surgery but of course they couldn’t. That decade of investigations were a complete waste of money and resources as everyone already knew the answer as it was blatantly obvious. But instead of getting the help i needed, my medical care was no different to a pantomime in some strange theatre of the absurd with everyone i saw having to pretend they didn't know what was wrong. Patients are also not getting informed consent even if they ask all the right questions because Specialists are scared of bringing up the possibility of bad reactions. Before my first surgery and due to past health issues with metals i asked if it was possible the implant could cause a bad reaction. My surgeons answer was “we are told they are 100% bio-compatible.” And they are expected to enforce that view. That was in 2005. As only 1% of medical device injuries are reported, 99% of cases are being told it is nothing to do with the medical device and is just a coincidence. There will be no investigations or consideration as to whether the surgery was responsible. The medics need to avoid that dangerous career killing path at all costs. The patients medical team will then attempt to diagnose the patient with an illness they don’t have in order to cover up the medical device injury and they will treat the patient for the rest of their lives for this wrong diagnosis if necessary. Modus Operandi of the Bad Culture If a patient has a bad reaction to a medical device the surgeon and GP will tell the patient it is unrelated to the surgery or medical device and its just a coincidence they have fallen ill after surgery. If the patient accepts this explanation investigations will begin to look for a cause which is unrelated to the surgery. If one cant be found they will make up a cause. A knowingly false diagnosis. If the patient doesn’t accept this explanation they will still be sent around other specialities but those Specialists will avoid ordering tests that could implicate the medical device and will avoid even considering the medical device could be responsible. The patient will just receive the illusion of care. When another specialist is sent a patient who they realise has had a medical device injury they will either try to diagnose them with something unrelated or most commonly they will refuse to get involved and tell the patient they have no answers and cant help them. The patient then gets sent to another specialist who will also not want to get involved and this will continue until the patient has seen them all. If the patient refuses to accept a false diagnosis their medical team will try to bully and gaslight the patient into believing the false reality. They may even threaten the patient overtly or covertly. Eventually if the patient still refuses to accept a false diagnosis and wont submit to bullying, their medical team will then attempt to tell them they are delusional and will collude to diagnose them with an official diagnosis of mental illness. Even though they may have obvious physical symptoms and have no mental health issues at all. There are even patients in New Zealand who have reported they were put into a mental institution against their will and forced to take dangerous anti-psychotic medication until they agreed to accept the false reality. This also means the patient is denied their ACC entitlements. They are also likely to lose their marriage and their home as well as having to spend the rest of their life suffering from a systemic allergic response to a medical device. All due to fear of the medical councils disproportionate response to Specialists diagnosing medical devices as a cause of harm. Once in the Psychiatrists office however they have reached the end of the line. There are no other Specialists for the Psychiatrist to pass the patient off to. The Psychiatrist is bound by the rules of the bad culture to confirm mental illness as the cause of the patients physical symptoms even though its a blatant lie. If there are no symptoms of mental illness they will fabricate them or say they are delusional. The rules of the bad culture state the psychiatrist is not allowed to contradict other colleagues so they are unable to state the patient has been given the runaround and actually has a medical device injury. If the patient is still refusing to be bullied into believing a manufactured reality, the Psychiatrist may be left with no other choice but to admit them to a mental hospital against their will. At this stage the patient will realise the medical system is a law unto themselves. As previous Specialists have already stated that the patients symptoms are nothing to do with their speciality, challenging them could lead to those Specialists complaining about the Psychiatrist. The Psychiatrist is forced to label these people as delusional even though they know they aren't and know they are actually suffering from an immune reaction to a medical device. Is it any wonder that Psychiatrists in New Zealand have the highest self reported rates of mental illness? The guilt they harbour not to mention the fear of being found out to have ruined patients lives through dishonesty is too much of a burden to bear. They must now defend their actions for the rest of their lives. They can no longer be a truthful citizen not even to the courts as the truth would bury not only them but also expose their colleagues to the same shame. They would be left alone without any friends as everyone would be trying to defame them in order to hide their own involvement. Of course Doctors and Specialists are people too so can also have bad reactions to medical devices and this will be why many left their jobs instead of getting vaccinated. In 2019 and 2020 I had both a specialist and a GP who also have a type 4 delayed type hypersensitivity reaction to aluminium vaccine adjuvants. It was very obvious from their behaviour so i confronted them about it and told them i knew they had been vaccinated that year. They both replied by saying “some of us just try to cope with it.” I told them both that they very obviously weren’t coping with it if i was able to tell. I saw my GP for a longer period of time of course and while he was suffering it was a waste of time seeing him. He couldn’t organise himself out of a paper bag. It was about November when the effects wore off for him. So we have people in our health system hiding their own type 4 allergy to vaccine adjuvants from their employers as they are scared of being reprimanded by the medical council and labelled an anti-vaxer. They are trying to cope with the terrible symptoms in silence. And they are telling their patients that its not possible when they know it is. All because of the fear our government has created for our Doctors and Specialists should they diagnose an immune type medical device injury of any kind. They dare not tell patients in case it happens to them. Its much safer for their careers to tell the patient its a coincidence and to diagnose them as mentally ill. Is it any wonder New Zealand has some of the highest rates of mental illness diagnoses in the world? So by hiding bad immune type adverse events to medical devices including vaccines, our Doctors and Specialists have hidden those citizens who are susceptible to expensive health issues later in life which has been slowly filling up our future health capacity. Had our Doctors and Specialists been confident to report all adverse events without fear of reprisal they would have the ability to prevent a lot of those expensive future health issues. Hiding immune type adverse events to medical devices is costing huge amounts of money in future medical costs and resources and continuing to hide them is no longer sustainable for the future. If all these patients had received the correct diagnosis of a medical device injury they would have received appropriate and timely medical care and would have been able to get back to work and pay tax. As there are hundreds of thousands of New Zealanders affected, instead of having productive lives and paying tax most end up unwell and on a benefit for the rest of their lives for an easily treatable issue that ends up killing them before their time. If the Doctor cant bully the patient into accepting a wrong diagnosis in order to hide the medical device injury they will collude with others to diagnose the patient with mental illness as it means they are then free to ignore that patient for the rest of their life. The culture hiding medical device injuries is also filling up our mental hospitals unnecessarily with patients who have bad reactions to medical devices. Yet these patients can be completely cured with the proper diagnosis and treatment and could get back to work. With correct advice it would never happen to them again but hiding medical device injuries in the mental health sector means a lifetime of care as they are getting the wrong advice and treatment causing further harm. When children are treated this way, the cruelty of the bad culture is laid bare as their entire lives are ruined due to fear of government policy and procedures. Rules of the Bad Culture I've discovered over the last 17 years the bad culture also has a set of unwritten rules. Its own code of practice so to speak. The following are the rules I have been able to confirm. They also appear to have a secret code they use in patient records but i wont go into that in this document. Never contradict a colleague. - Contradicting a colleague can lead to a huge increase in workload as there is the risk it may cause the patient to make an ACC claim. This could even lead to scrutiny by the HDC or medical council so it is best avoided. Instead, if Drs come across a misdiagnosed patient they should treat the patient for the disease or injury they have been misdiagnosed with for the rest of their lives. Giving out second opinions is prohibited. Falsification of patient records – Patients records may be falsified to support another Specialists misdiagnosis or to hide errors to avoid future scrutiny. It is also good practice to write patients medical records in such a way as to provide a way to defame them should they complain to the HDC in future. For example you could write they are a drug seeker or that you think they are mentally ill or even that they were violent when they weren't. This will also alert future Doctors and Specialists that this a patient who may have been misdiagnosed and to uphold the illusion. Refusal of healthcare – If a patient makes a complaint against a Doctor or threatens a complaint they should be refused future healthcare in a covert manner so they are unaware of what is going on. Medical Device injuries – All immune type reactions to medical devices and adverse reactions to medications should be denied as being related to the medical device or medication. Failure to adhere to this rule will see scrutiny from the medical council and may ruin your career. Treatment injuries – if you cause harm to a patient it is recommended to deny liability no matter how obvious or easy to remedy.. If you come across a patient that has been harmed by a colleague then refer to Rule 1 on never contradicting a colleague and treat that patient like its all in their head. Code of Silence – The bad culture is never to be spoken of. Doctors must defend the bad culture at all costs. Any doctor who may think about exposing any aspect of the bad culture will have the bad culture use deceit and the legislation to defame them and force them out of medicine. Thou shall never bear witness against a colleague. Using your Expert Status to pass off blatant lies as expert opinion is perfectly acceptable. If you come across other Specialists who have done this with patients then you are to refer to rule 1 about never contradicting a colleague. Never fix another Specialists mistake – offering to fix another Specialists treatment injury will legitimise the injury and could see a complaint be made to the medical council by the specialist who caused the treatment injury. And ACC involvement would also occur. Mental toll on Specialists Being forced to work in an environment where their integrity and continued employment is held to ransom by the unwritten rules of the bad culture is taking a huge mental toll on our Doctors. The bad culture demands that our Doctors purposely harm patients. It demands that they turn a blind eye. It demands that they become corrupt and I’m sure that’s not what they had in mind when they enrolled in medical school. Our health staff are proud people and rightly so but being placed in an impossible situation where they are unable to live up to their own expectations of ethics, morals and performance something has to give. The bad culture is a coping mechanism but the long term effects on our medical staff is causing fundamental changes to the people they are. It is creating huge rates of mental illness amongst our medical staff and huge rates of bullying much higher than the population at large. And these are the people taking care of New Zealands vulnerable. This of course is no secret. Our Specialists have been crying out for years for more resources by lobbying the government and pleading with politicians. They have been telling us for years through the media that patients are getting harmed because of the severe understaffing. I am one of the patients they have been talking about. As they enter the workforce and discover how the bad culture runs our health system it must make them feel like they’ve been tricked into giving up a piece of their very soul. As well as the blood sweat and tears that is expected of them, they must also forego their own moral compass. They have no one to turn to for help and would be ganged up on by the bad culture if they tried. Their sizeable student loans mean they cannot escape the situation so must either turn a blind eye or partake in the dysfunctional behaviour. Our Specialists have got themselves into a position they are unable to get out of. It cannot be solved on their own and they can no longer keep up the charade of professionalism and credibility. While it may have saved Specialists a mountain of paperwork and scrutiny by hiding the suffering and deaths from medical devices, these patients go on to develop more serious health issues which would never have occurred otherwise. Expensive issues like cardiac issues, autoimmune disorders and cancer. It has snowballed to a point where the health systems capacity for providing healthcare in the future has already been exceeded. Yet the future hasn’t yet arrived. What this culture must be doing to the minds of our Doctors and Specialists is alarming. They are all aware that its entirely possible for people to have a bad reaction to a medical device including vaccines but they are also all aware that if they tell a patient its possible they will be reprimanded and they could not only lose their job but will also be defamed in the media for daring to suggest it. If they don’t partake of the bad culture to hide medical device injuries their job is held to ransom by the medical council. The specific legislation our Specialists work under which is causing the widespread abuse in state care and failure to uphold the rule of law in fact seems designed to prey on their emotions and human weaknesses. To bring out the very worst traits of human behaviour by putting them in an untenable situation where it is impossible for them to defend their competence in front of the medical council. Diagnosing a bad reaction to a medical device is a no win situation for them. Lying to patients, falsely diagnosing them and refusing them appropriate care ruins patients lives. They are decisions that only a sociopath would choose to make. Being forced to behave like a sociopath everyday normalises that behaviour and it becomes acceptable. Being responsible for ruining lives is the antithesis of what they entered medicine to do and it has caused a huge mental health and bullying crisis in our health sector. Research has been done in New Zealand on the prevalence of self reported mental illness and bullying and the results reflect an industry in crisis. Self reported mental illness rates among our Specialists were around 50% with Psychiatrists faring the worst. As far as bullying amongst senior staff the overall prevalence of bullying measured by the negative acts questionnaire was 38%(at least one negative act on a weekly or daily basis), 37.2% self reported and 67.5% witnessed. The most commonly cited perpetrators were other senior medical or dental Specialists. 69.6% declined to report their bullying. These studies were in the last 5 years. I can attest that the bullying also extends to patients. Employees hiding the problems of their place of employment in an effort to appear efficient is an age old problem. Most employees see it as part of their job. They take the burden upon their own shoulders instead of asking for help. But our drs and Specialists have been asking for help. Repeatedly. They have been crying out for years and those cries have become more frequent. We also see more and more cases in the media of Doctors being convicted of heinous crimes and they are only the ones that have been caught. There will be others. They are the tip of a hidden problem. They are not coping and they need help. The effect on the morals of our medical staff is playing out in the media with not only cries for help but also more and more Doctors being charged with crimes. It is a testament to the destructive nature of the health policy that has created the situation. In the last few years alone we have seen many examples. In 2021 the NZ media reported on a Dr from Dunedin hospital who was suicidal after repeatedly being told patients would die if she took time off. This story appeared after it was revealed that 50% of senior Doctors are suffering high levels of mental illness. Experts have warned the impact on patients could be deadly. Instead of acknowledging the failing system they work under which fosters abuse and mental illness, management proceeded to gaslight the Doctor by blaming it on the Doctors own strength of character. We have also heard in the media from Mr Bagshaw who started the Charity Hospital when he commented on how many SDHB Specialists don’t deserve to be working in medicine. In October 2020 Phillip Bagshaw made a media statement suggesting relevant senior SDHB people must now be dismissed from their positions. There was also the case of Venod Skantha, a Dunedin Doctor convicted of murder. We also saw in the media about Dr David Limm who was jailed for drugging and sexually abusing patients. And who could forget the Doctor who murdered her 3 children in Timaru. These cases are a very alarming indicator that abuse in state care is more prevalent than ever and with the UN finding New Zealand breached the convention of torture by failing to properly investigate abuses it is a damning indictment on our entire public service right up to the level of the Ombudsman. What is also alarming is the bad culture has been able to evolve into a situation where our Specialists could even get away with premeditated murder if they so desired. Because they know their colleagues would just think its a treatment injury that requires them to either turn a blind eye or assist in covering it up. This could not have happened if there was an effective complaints process in place and it does appear that legislation governing the HDC and Ombudsman's processes may also be stopping them from being effective in their roles. Our government are in the process of a huge restructure of the health system but the problems in our health system are not efficiency problems. The restructure may make the government look like they are taking action but they actually aren’t achieving anything. Surely its the perfect time to identify the policies that promote an environment ripe for abuse in state care. This however is not a problem our politicians want to face so nothing will be solved. Consequences on New Zealand Society The self policing aspect of the health system is not occurring. Instead, the undeniable pressure our health force are constantly under and the impossible situation they are in due to legislation has resulted in them finding the only way left to fulfil their mandates. This has led to the evolution of a very bad culture and the degradation of their ethics and morals to such an extent that they compromise their conscience. The limits of what constitutes acceptable behaviour has become so bastardised that literally anything goes. This is no exaggeration and has led to a health system and community at risk of imminent collapse. Working in a closed environment with widespread acceptance of immoral behaviour has seen our health staff become so far removed from the values and morals prevalent across NZ society they are at times like a foreign culture. Due to the normalisation of this behaviour our Specialists all have dirt on each other. Like caged animals they have become a threat and a liability to each other which is why any attempts to put an end to the bad culture from within will result in failure. Exposing the bad culture would be career suicide and sizeable student loans breed silence. Our Doctors are very sick. They are doing their very best to hide it from the public but working under pressure day after day in a community where the rules of logic are severely bent out of shape will eventually twist the mind of the most resilient person. Our Psychiatrists in particular are carrying the collective guilt of the medical profession on their shoulders. It is a very complicated and wicked web that has been spun all due to unworkable health policy which means diagnosing a medical device injury can ruin their career. Our health policy is the cause of abuse in state care on a grand scale and the reason it is kept hidden. Our government are bad employers as they are exploiting the mental health of our Doctors and Dentists and Specialists with this bad legislation. Legislation which causes so much fear as to result in 50% of our Specialists admitting to mental illness and over 30% to recent bullying. The guilt is too much. And the harm is too much. This legislation must be changed. It is inhumane. History teaches us that when governments and their state employees fail to uphold the rule of law it leads to the breakdown of civilised society. Our Specialists and Doctors hiding treatment and medical device injuries for many decades has been a huge failure to uphold the rule of law. It has created a huge underclass of aggrieved New Zealand citizens for whom natural justice has been denied. The rule of law has not been upheld for these people and they are discriminated against by our public service and even Members of Parliament. This alarmingly large percentage of New Zealanders have had natural justice denied to them for years. Being purposely misdiagnosed by the bad culture took away their entitlements to ACC. It took from them any chance of healthcare but also stole their futures and in many cases their home and family too. The health system is the main cause of this underclass but they are not alone in their responsibility. All government agencies are guilty of failing to uphold the rule of law. By deciding which crimes to investigate based on the offenders ability to defend themselves our police have also been seen to fail in upholding the rule of law. It is not because of systemic racism as some would like us to think. They are prioritising crimes committed by the poor because they are an easy target and cannot afford to defend themselves. The evidence is all through our prisons. This is indeed the only reason why i have appeared before you. Even the Ombudsman has clearly failed in their mandate. Surely it is the job of the Ombudsman to ensure our public servants are upholding the rule of law. This has not occurred and no government agencies are without sin. Since 2020 the New Zealand public have also witnessed the NZ government completely abandon the rule of law. We have even seen them use the courts lack of knowledge about medicine and health against them in order to convince the courts to also trample over the rule of law in certain circumstances. This is why so much passion has been on display over the last 2 years in opposition to the governments mandatory vaccination policy. With 99% of medical device injuries being hidden how can any medical device being made mandatory be wise or even justified? Obviously it cant. With 99% of medical device injuries being hidden in the past, what reliable information are our government using to be able to assess risk? New Zealand is facing an existential threat. The breakdown in civilised society has begun with the amount of violent crime at epic proportions. My projections for 2023 are more grim and will see the lawlessness of New Zealand make international headlines. The amount of disenfranchised citizens has reached a critical mass. Symbols of authority will become popular targets and an attack on the beehive in 2023 is also a high probability. The public are no longer going to tolerate the endemic corruption in our public service and their collective anger will be reflected in violent crime and property damage statistics. It will be a very challenging time in New Zealand history unlike anything ever seen before in New Zealand and only the restoration of the rule of law will see things settle down. Its unlikely the Police will be able to cope alone. However I fear the arrogance of our politicians will only serve to escalate the decline into anarchy as by their nature our Politicians will fail to take responsibility. They will try to lay blame on social media or gangs or disinformation or on some mysterious right wing extremists but in reality its a systemic failure of our public service over many decades. In an attempt to save face they will become increasingly more authoritarian and New Zealand will start to resemble a failed state. I have made no mistake in my projections. No country can avoid the consequences of an extended systemic failure to uphold the rule of law. Whether it be now or back in times before the internet, when governments fail to uphold the rule of law it always leads to the downfall of civilised society. Always! Up until now the government have managed to hold back the tide of widespread discontent. The decades of injustice that has created this perfect storm however is soon to erupt into widespread lawlessness and the consequences of decades of failing to uphold the rule of law will be upon us. There are Doctors and Specialists i have email conversations with about what's been going on and whose support I have. They would very much like this situation resolved however it is too risky for them to speak up. They cannot even stand up to support me as the bad culture would weaponise health policy against them. Only if they were guaranteed complete anonymity would they have the courage to expose what's going on. This situation cannot be ignored any longer. The values and morals of our public servants have diverged too much from the population at large due to bad cultures that have developed which are moulded by bad legislation and self preservation. This is also what allows abuse in state care to occur and be covered up. The bad culture has now caused an existential threat to civilised life in New Zealand which will not be resolved until the rule of law is restored in full. The existential threat is imminent and immediate action is required if this tragedy to be avoided.
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How ironic that the news today in NZ includes Tower. Ins being prosecuted for overcharging $mills - who’s a significant shareholder? ACC. This is the bases of the problem I believe, it is archaic and unethical and not fit for purpose as it twists the data to suit an agenda of ‘no fault’. It will be bankrupted when the truth comes out.
what an absolute gem, thank you for this important piece of the puzzle!