We are now in a state of Global war. It is not a war of ideology or political affiliation, not right against left. But a good old fashioned war of good versus evil. The human race is at a very crucial juncture in time right now and there is a lot at stake. The outcome of this war will decide the fate and future survival of the human race. It is a war of morality. The selfless rising against the selfish. The thinkers against the unconscious masses. Those with empathy and foresight against those with none. Both sides look alike and both claim to be the force of good. But only one side is doing it for profit. And only one side is being honest. Like domesticated animals, those in control of the pharmaceutical industry have been farming us for decades. They have bred us to be ignorant and compliant for profit. The creation of their efforts are the unconscious masses. Consumers of the great illusion. Junkies of the one source of truth. Those who never question and who are now willing conscripts in the army of the beast. The enemy is firmly entrenched in politics, and in health and regulatory systems all over the world. They have corrupted the public service with money, propaganda and psychological control. They have infiltrated every level of society including teaching institutions and mainstream media all over the globe. Well prepared, the enemy has a very large army, years of domination and a firm grip on all control mechanisms of society. With smoke and mirrors and chemical warfare they have created an illusion of reality. Life is not what it seems and the great illusion is starting to tear apart at the seams. Theirs is a fight to remain relevant and there is a lot of money at stake. Many decades ago as advances in scientific research found that Thimerasol(mercury) in vaccines was causing autism it was a huge threat to the profits and pride of those in control of the pharmaceutical industry. All that greed and pride turned into a beast to defend their pride and profits and protect from liability. After the thalidomide scandal this was the last thing they needed. They needed research that could be used to deny their product caused autism and there were many hungry researchers who were happy to put their morals aside to get research grants from pharmaceutical companies. To assist in deluding the public. There were also many politicians also happy to defend big Pharma and there is much government legislation that exists in order to keep the great illusion from being uncovered. Legislation that keeps our doctors from spilling the beans and disclosing the corruption. Legislation designed to keep them in fear and compliant. While the pharmaceutical companies in collaboration with government denied Thimerasol caused autism they still took it out of vaccines. What they replaced it with though was aluminium. Aluminium however is also a potent neurotoxin just like mercury. So we then saw aluminium causing autism albeit at a lower severity and they are now covering this up even though there is now plenty of evidence to prove it without doubt. By the late 70s the milder form of autism like adhd were starting to make an appearance in primary schools. They were the kids labelled as hyperactive. There was no such thing as mental illness at this point in time. The term ‘mental illness’ wasnt even in the publics vocabulary or consciousness. By the mid to late 80s the prevalence had increased an awful lot and the New Zealand government started a campaign to normalise mental illness. To make us think it was something normal that everyone would suffer from at some stage or another. But mental illness is certainly not normal and was just one of the many strategies used to cover up the harm being caused by metals in vaccines. Calling it mental illness instead of a neurological injury from an adverse event to vaccines was a way to blame the patient. To make them think it was their fault, their own weakness and to protect the credibility of medicine. But as we look at the ‘mental health’ of the nation in 2022, it is glaringly obvious that the strategies used by the ‘mental health’ industry are not fit for purpose. A complete waste of time. They have cured no one of ‘mental illness’ and the numbers of the ‘mentally ill’ keep growing. Mental illness is not real. It is a cover for neurological injuries caused by metals in vaccines, dental work, orthopaedic implants and even breast implants and birth control devices. Mental illness is caused by toxicity. From exposure to neurotoxins. An interesting thing to note is they have also been phasing out mercury in dentistry and that the overwhelming majority of dental work also now has aluminium as an ingredient. While the mercury in amalgam fillings has finally been recognised for the harm it causes to human health by all countries that have ratified the Minamata convention(most of them), the New Zealand government continue to deny the harms and continue to lobby against the proven science. Accepting the science would lead to huge costs for ACC so the New Zealand government is waiting until those with amalgam fillings die out to reduce the cost. Every year, many enthusiastic young adults begin their journey through medical school with their sites set on a career in medicine. They know that they will end up with a phenominally huge student loan by the end of their training but their passion for helping and curing the sick and disabled makes it a noble career that will fill them and their families with pride. Once they finish their training and enter the workforce as a GP it appears that its everything they dreamed it would be. But as time goes by and they become more knowledgeable and experienced they start to slowly realise that all is not as it seems. When the veil of ethics and professionalism starts lifting, they find the vision they were sold couldn’t be further from the truth. Not only that, but they are also silenced from speaking the truth under the threat of losing their medical license. Forced to make a moral decision over whether they should leave medicine with a huge student loan to pay off or whether they should compromise their morals and take part in the deceit and cover ups. Deceit and coverups that become necessary to hide the truth and keep their medical license. Forced under duress. They discover their job is to manage patients health instead of curing them. Treating symptoms with medications that mask the symptoms when the patient could easily be cured by other more simpler and safer means. Even when these medications are likely to cause bad side effects. So even though they could tell the patient how to be easily cured they are not allowed to. They must follow the direction of government policy and pharmaceutical companies over the health of their patients. Once the veil is lifted they discover they must blatantly lie to patients or get kicked out of medicine. They are also not allowed to diagnose certain health conditions. So when these patients present themselves to their Doctor they must be blatantly lied to under the threat of losing their medical licence. Conditions relating to toxicity and hypersensitivity to metals will be kept from patients due to metals being such a prominent feature of pharmaceutical products. Doctors will even diagnose them as mentally ill and put them on mind altering drugs if they have to in order to shut the patient up about it. Vaccines causing autism is a good example that falls under the category of harm by metals and where many drs become unstuck from their medical career. There is more than enough evidence to prove without doubt that autism is caused by vaccines but the longrunning campaign by pharmaceutical companies and governments to hide this fact means our doctors are forced to knowingly lie to parents. Even in circumstances where its undeniable. The sudden rise of Transgender ideology is also part of the charade. It is yet another attempt to hide the cause and effects of autism and the genotoxic effects of metals in pharmaceutical products. You will find if you meet a transgender person that they are on the autism spectrum. This is no coincidence. For the trans movement to rise so fast (even though they make up such a tiny percentage of the population) and to become so entrenched in legislation so fast means there is very big money behind it. It is now entrenched in our health system and all Doctors are required under threat of losing their medical licence to tell us its normal and are not allowed to question whether it could be the result of genotoxicity to vaccines or even mental illness. With the invention of the internet and social media it is now very easy for the public to find out what our government and pharmaceutical companies are deceiving us about. And many specialists in the private sector overseas they can discuss it with. Their propaganda simply cannot work anymore due to the publics access to international knowledge and experts. This puts New Zealand Drs in a very bad position where the patient can prove the dr is lying and this is where abuse in state care and coverups can begin because the drs colleagues are required to help cover it up. So they all collude to protect their medical licences. With this system of hiding these health issues firmly developed, the same abusive methods used to hide pharmaceutical injuries also gets used to hide bad behaviour, treatment injuries and even premeditated crimes. Because it has been happening for many decades our drs and specialists all end up with dirt on each other which only accelerates the demoralisation and corruption of healthcare staff. This is why the government are trying to limit and censor social media. Social media is not radicalising people as our government say it is. It is not producing right wing extremists. What is happening is people can now easily discover the lies, deceit and coverups our government is involved in and our government is in damage control mode to try and stop this with more lies and deceit. More propaganda. Using taxpayer money to hide their crimes against us by taking away freedoms and calling us names. Taking away our ability to hold them to account. Those Doctors who manage to survive this environment with their morals still intact eventually leave the allopathic health system once their student loan balance allows. Some at the age they are leave for good and may publish a book on the corruption in the allopathic health system. And there are many in the bookstores. Others who leave decide to join the ranks of environmental medicine where they become functional medicine drs. In environmental medicne drs actually cure people of disease and prevent it instead of just providing a panacea like in allopathic medicine. So these drs finally get a career which matches the expectations they had in medical school but they have to be very careful in New Zealand and stay under the radar. As they are helping and curing patients who have health conditions the government and allopathic doctors are trying to cover up they would lose their GP practising licence immediately if caught. This means they could very easily become a target of allopathic doctors who they have contradicted in their advice to the patient. They could very easily weaponise the medical council complaints process against them. And many would not hesitate which is why some functional medicine doctors warn their patients of this possibility and ask them to be discrete. Whether demoralised doctors leave medicine and write a book or whether they become functional medicine drs, they are the soldiers of the resistance in the war against the corrupt pharmaceutical industry. They are not alone. Other soldiers in the resistance are still working in the public health system as their sizeable student loans see them beholden to allopathic medicine for a few more years yet. They act as saboteurs if the opportunity arises. They may phone patients to warn them of specialists trying to harm them. They may help the patient by ordering a test that will thwart the attempts of abusive specialists to subvert the patients healthcare or throw other road blocks in the way. These soldiers are double agents whose loyalties are to the patient and the resistance. There are diagnostic companies who are also working in the war against Big pharma. These are companies that diagnose the harm caused by pharmaceutical products like harm caused by orthopaedic implants or amalgam fillings or even birth control devices and vaccines. They protect their computer systems and data from hackers just like any other company but it is government hacking attempts that they are protecting themselves against. Usually the USA government. Its not so easy for someone like an orthopaedic surgeon to leave the health system and use their skills elsewhere but if they do they are usually the ones who go on to write books on the corruption once they retire. While still in employment though, these soldiers invariably end up in touch with these diagnostic companies and learn the true extent of the problem and corruption and the lies they have been told by the medical authorities. These surgeons are the ones that help those patients whose own surgeons leave them to suffer. But they are few and far between around the world and Im aware of none in New Zealand. The small and incestuous nature of the NZ health system and the fact we have ACC means it would be harder for good surgeons like this to stay under the radar. Another big battalion of the resistance fighting this war are vocal members of the public who have first or second hand experience with the corruption. Those whom the government and media label as antivaxers in an effort to sow confusion and discredit their message. But they are not antivaxers, they are patients who have been harmed and that harm covered up. As each year goes by the numbers of this underclass grow more and more and with each new vaccine the numbers take a great leap. Due to the propaganda of the covid mrna vaccines and the foreseeable harm they would cause, the resistance has now been joined by new organisations that have sprung up on another front against the medical tyranny of Big Pharma and Government. Organisations like NZDSOS, NZTSOS and NZLSOS to name a few New Zealand specific organisations in the resistance. There are also many overseas organisations, scientists and specialists in health and law standing up publicly to join the resistance, tear down the great illusion and create a better world. Great thinkers all over the world have been predicting this war against the corruption of big pharma and Government and many were expecting to see it begin in 2020. Its not just the profits of Big Pharma that are at stake here but also the health of the entire human race. Its been mutually beneficial for the Pharmaceutical industry and Government to lie to the public and create a health system that lies about the cause of disease. They have designed for us a health system that not only maximises profits for Big Pharma but it also hides and denies the cause of all disease. All disease is caused by things we come into contact with in the environment like orthopaedic implants or tattoos or dental products or even things like the antigens in vaccines and sunscreen and processed food. Once we exceed our antigen tolerance it causes disease or susceptibility to disease. But the health system our governments and pharmaceutical companies have created blames the cause of all disease on the individual. This saves the government phenominal amounts of money in ACC compensation and there is less liability. But they are short term thinkers as in the long run it leads to the degradation of the health of the nation and to much larger costs in extra healthcare and a lower tax take. What they may save with this great deceit is spent trying to cover it up which is why our healthcare system has been unable to stay within budget and is unable to provide a sustainable health system. And they never will. If our health system incorporated the concepts of environmental medicine into public health then good health and a sustainable free healthcare system is possible for all. Mental illness is caused by neurotoxins like those in vaccines or lead in the water. Hereditary family susceptibilities like heart disease and cancer and even arthritis and osteoporosis can easily be avoided by keeping patients under their personal antigen tolerance and no one needs to die from a virus. Obesity is caused by metabolic dysfunction not by eating too much. But these medical truths are kept suppressed to stop people finding out about the harms our pharmaceutical companies are causing. Which they then profit off by developing medications to treat the pharmaceutical injuries they cause. The level of antigens our children are being exposed to through the childhood vaccination schedule is putting many of them over their personal antigen tolerance level before they turn 5 causing things like autism, adhd, obesity and an increase in all general illnesses and diseases.. Dental fillings add to the burden. The antigens from pollution are also now affecting the population and having a very noticeable effect. But because pollution is an environmental cause it will be completely ignored by the Government and public health system and the health affects will be subverted and put down to other factors that can be blamed on the patient. After many decades of big industry the air we breath is now saturated with metal nanoparticles(antigens). According to scientists Titanium nanoparticles are of particular concern and the main cause for the huge increase in autoimmune disorders and certain cancers worldwide. Nowhere on the planet can you escape titanium nanoparticles in the air we breathe. The amount of titanium dioxide in everyday foods and personal care products is also scandalous now we know its danger. Titanium has been known to be toxic since 1972 but governments have been ignoring it at our peril. It is known to be genotoxic and to cause metabolic dysfunction causing obesity or problems gaining weight. The metals from pollution have even been found in the brain stems of children living in high pollution areas of mexico who were found to be sufferring from the symptoms of alzheimers and parkinsons disease. Pollution antigens and the bad health effects from it are the cost of modern civilisation. Its what it costs us to have cars and heating and all the conveniences of modern life. The antigens we are exposed to from pollution are a trade off. But the metal antigens in vaccines and other pharmaceutical products are certainly not a necessary evil. They are a choice our government and pharmaceutical companies have been making for us but they are not necessary for modern life. They are only necessary to generate profit. Exposing children to the antigens and neurotoxins in way too many different vaccines early in life is not leaving them with enough room to take on more antigens from the environment without jeopardising their health. Continuing into the future with the great illusion still intact and funtioning can no longer be an option if our children are to live happy healthy lives. The harm from the covid vaccines is already having an affect on fertility around the world but will also lower life expectancy. Our children will have shorter lives but also less healthy lives mired with illness if we allow the great illusion to continue. For many years the soldiers of the resistance all around the world have been building in numbers while biding their time. Staying under the radar while waiting for the Great Reckoning to begin. The covid and mrna vaccine deceit was the signal for the fighters of the resistance to stand up and join the battle and stand up they did. They certainly caught governments and the pharmaceutical industry by surprise. They had no idea the resistance had grown so big. Now is the time we must act for our survival whatever it may take and free the human race from the evil partnership of Government and Big Pharma. Instead of improving our health they have been covertly managing our slow death. If we don’t take this seriously we may never get another opportunity to put things right for a long time. Now the soldiers of the resistance in the medical and science fields have exposed themselves we must support them and we must succeed for their future safety. Never has a fight for freedom been so important since the separation of Church and State and this is what we must achieve. A complete depoliticisation of healthcare and an end to the great illusion.
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This is a lot more accurate than the position represented by the government. It is not often I hear the truth about the care systems in New Zealand, thank you Mark for speaking up:-)
Without the truth change can not be made. Change must be made, iatrogenic practices must be stopped, living off of ones own failures must stop. Accountability will always occur and what should have happened is honesty, it did and does not, rather we are now expected to live in denial of the truth?
Only Karma needs to do its work! Grubberments will ultimately collapse