This is a lot more accurate than the position represented by the government. It is not often I hear the truth about the care systems in New Zealand, thank you Mark for speaking up:-)
Without the truth change can not be made. Change must be made, iatrogenic practices must be stopped, living off of ones own failures must stop. Accountability will always occur and what should have happened is honesty, it did and does not, rather we are now expected to live in denial of the truth?
Not seeming much point in reading past this: "scientific research found that Thimerasol(mercury) in vaccines was causing autism" No, a grifter claimed this falsehood, trying to promote sales of their patented vaccine ( @ appropriate timestamp but entire video is good) by demonizing the multidose and other grifters followed suit parroting this claim, but SCIENCE showed otherwise. The fear mongering about atomic mercury just shows a lack of even a high school level of understanding of chemistry, molecules specifically; like being afraid to consume any food that contains salt because salt is made up of chlorine and sodium.
Scrolled thru a bit further, overall gist of your writing is thing you like are morally "good" and things you don't like (or seem to understand at all, like mRNA vaccines development going back ~40 years) are morally "evil." The quantity of ableist, bigoted, and ignorance that you manage to fit in 3500 words makes for you producing nightmare level of propaganda.
"Mental illness is not real...Mental illness is caused by toxicity." The ideas you express about mental health are the stated with a confidence, like being proud of wearing a dunce cap and being elected the mayor of the Dunning Kruger Effect.
Your belief that thimerasol is safe for human consumption takes away any credibility you think you have. These are my life experiences. It is autobiographical in a way. It is no fallacy. It seems your mind has been captured by business interests trying to hide the harm their products have caused.
Even the cdc admitted they were aware that thimerasol was causing autism which is why they stopped using it in vaccines. I’d suggest you listen to some of the experts consulted by the vaccine courts. You may also want to look into the minamata convention. Your views are cookie cutter govt propaganda.
Mental illness is a relatively new invention historically. It is the manifestation of a neurological injury. If you think mental illness is not a manifestation of neurological injury then please do provide me with some evidence as to what you think causes what you call mental illness. Surely you can tell me the cause of mental illness if you believe it to be.
All up you haven’t provided anything to this conversation. Youve just gone on a frantic rant to preserve your interpretation of reality.
Do you think that perhaps there may be things going on in this world that you aren’t aware of. I am allergic to vaccines. I have also had multiple adverse events to dental work and orthopaedic implants. I have had adverse events to thimerasol and to the metals in dental work. Thankfully most of the world has now banned amalgam fillings due to the harm they cause to human health. I imagine you are going to tell me that amalgam fillings are safe too lol.
Dude, unfortunately you have been very gullible. Your lack of experience is likely the reason.
I on the other hand have lived what I have written and have been lucky enough to have the best specialists in the world on this topic looking after me.
You on the other hand appear to have based your beliefs about my health issues and experiences on stuff you saw on YouTube.
It seems my article has upset you. But as they say, the truth hurts
Why would my credibility with someone who lies ad nauseam matter?
CDC never admitted such a thing. Was removed from public outcry. You know this, which is why you didn't even try to share a link to support this falsehood. Seems like you don't know who and who is not an expert. Your understanding, well lack thereof really, of biochemistry and... like everything else, has you giving weight to the words of crooks and cons.
Please point out any factual errors in the youtube video link that you have found? (understand that I not going to hold my breath waiting for this)
Methylmercury, which is found in fish, and is actually cytotoxic, has a 2.5x longer half-life in the body than the ethylmercury in thimeraol. (meHG half-life of 19 days vs etHG half-life of 7 days)
Facts & evidence of your willful, intentional disinformation may not be what you want, but that doesn't mean it doesn't contribute. Factual rant, not frantic, about reality absent interpretation noting that I would be happy to share my opinions, which I have kept to descriptors of how I feel about persons who share.
The need to resort to belittling and for really real ad hominem rather than respond with substance to the arguments is rather telling. All for trash talk, but you have to earn it, which you haven't. Not even close.
The irony oozes with the projection of you, who has "specialists" with credentials they got out for a cracker jack box, calling me gullible. Disappointed, not upset.
Woah what truth? Please tell me when and where you ever got to the truth part. The only hurt here is the severe cringe I feel at the embarrassment you are too deluded to know you should feel typing, let alone submitting that reply.
No actually you only think you can back up everything you say with evidence but you can’t.
It is a delusion of yours. There are many uneducated people like you who think that reading some research makes you clever.
But it doesn’t.
You are not a scientist and you do not know more than my specialists
I could put links to lots of research showing autism is caused by the metals in vaccines written by actual scientists and not some uneducated victim. But you don’t even seem to know how science works. I suspect you are young.
You obviously also have no idea on the involvement of politics in science either and I suspect the only scientific writings on autism that you read are ones which back up the beliefs you already hold. In fact I know that’s what you are doing by the things you have already said.
You keep ignoring that the human body turns ethyl mercury into methyl mercury because it contradicts your beliefs. The dr didn’t tell me the mercury from my amalgam fillings in my blood was safe. He said it was dangerous yet here you are stating that you are right and drs are wrong
You also seem to be ignoring that most countries have declared the mercury in amalgam fillings as harmful for humans. So you think the entire European Union is wrong about the harm caused by amalgam fillings.
And you’re ignoring that the harm to humans by mercury in amalgam fillings is measured and recorded in blood tests. You need to stop listening to political theatre
See what I mean. You ignore everything that doesn’t fit with your views and pretend you didn’t hear what I said.
The aluminium adjuvant in vaccines has also never been tested for safety in any vaccine trials ever in recorded history. Aluminium is what they replaced thimerasol with. It causes milder forms of autism.
You may also want to look into the vaccine court and look into the experts they have consulted in the past.
So there is not much point entertaining your delusions. You think you know better than health authorities all over the world on amalgam fillings and the specialists who do the diagnosis and testing.
Actually perhaps you should read “the political economy of autism” although I think your goal here is to denigrate all research that doesn’t fit your long held beliefs.
I’ve already told you about the cdc emails but you just say it’s a lie. See how you have a mental block which is stopping you from even acknowledging anything that doesn’t support your beliefs. That alone should ring some alarm bells for you. You are sabotaging you’re own learning with some kind of psychological block
So there really isn’t much point even talking to you as
You also seem to be ignoring the role of the immune system. The job of the immune system is to attack and remove foreign antigens. Most metals are foreign antigens. When the immune system encounters foreign antigens it attacks them as they are a danger. Just like it attacks mercury and aluminium and titanium which I’m also allergic to.
Do you not see how ridiculous your beliefs in the safety of metals are. A foreign body reaction is tested for with a different test than type 4 allergies but I guess you don’t believe in foreign body reactions to.
You also lack experience. Unlike the specialists I have consulted.
Since you’re autistic I was wondering if you’ve noticed how all transgender are autistic. There’s research into that too
Thimerasol is a neurotoxin. Every year thousands of people have their blood tested for harm caused by thimerasol. It looks like you have sought your beliefs from the manufacturers of these toxic products and think that it represents reality. Do you even know what an antigen is? Ethyl mercury is turned into methyl mercury in the body via the process of methylation. Most countries have now banned amalgam fillings due to the harm caused to human health yet you are trying to claim they are all wrong. Science has moved on and your beliefs on amalgam fillings are out of date. The propaganda of chemical manufacturers does not represent reality. Just because they have fooled you doesn’t mean that people harmed by these products aren’t getting help. We are.
I have toxic levels of mercury in my blood. The mercury which the health authorities regard as toxic and harmful to my health came from my amalgam fillings. And the health system has a protocol to manage it. Yet you are trying to tell me that mercury from amalgam fillings is safe. So forgive me for believing my drs over you.
Do you not see how ridiculous you look claiming to know more about my health than me, my drs or all the signatories to the minamata convention.
I think you have too much faith in your own beliefs.
So you can spend your time going round telling complete strangers that thimerasol is not a neurotoxin and that mercury in amalgam fillings is safe but that is not reality.
By the way, it’s was discovered in internal emails at the cdc that they had been aware that vaccines cause autism for 14 years before the email was uncovered.
It’s metals that cause autism. I am not autistic but I have had the symptoms of autism. Caused by my type 4 allergies to certain metals. It occurred after surgery in 2019. I didn’t just get autism symptoms and had others too. So the implant was removed and the autism symptoms disappeared.
I also developed epilepsy after a 2008 surgery. That was caused by metals too. The offending piece of metal was discovered in 2020. It was removed and I no longer have epilepsy.
Your beliefs are not only out of date but uninformed.
Reality is quite different than the PR budgets of pharmaceutical companies would have you think. No you don’t know better than my specialists. And as mentioned the harm from amalgam fillings has now been proven and actioned by most govts who have now banned them.
Do you have any arguments that are not based on creating fear mongering in drooling, ignorant mouth breathers? Oooo "Neurotoxin" such a scary word, until you learn that our OWN neurotransmitters, nitric oxide and glutamate, that is produces by OUR bodies are also neurotoxins.
It is impossible, even if you put thermasol in every vaccine one gets in their lifetime, and given to an child on the same day, for the concentration in their body to reach the levels needed to replace enzymes to cross blood brain barrier and then need even more to affect the brain. You are full of it.
Sorry to hear about the toxic mercury levels in your blood. Even more sorry no doctor or specialist has taken the time to explain to you the difference between elemental mercury and organic mercury. Lots of elementary science text books have this explained in them with neat cartoons that even you might be able to grasp.
Assure you, outside the deluded victims that make up the audience who feed the antivaxx industry with attention or money, I am a voice of reason here. Not looking foolish at all. That foolish you are trying to shade me with is all you.
CDC emails are all public record and no such emails exist. Please stop lying, I will just call you out at each time. Can't wrap my head about being so dishonest, know you are doing it, but leaning hard on lying more rather than coming back to factual reality. No situation I could see myself resorting so such depravity, and hope I never find myself so disconnected from the harm that one doing so can cause that I find myself in such a situation in the future.
Metals do not cause autism. That is so incredibly dumb, like dumb, with a side of dumb, and extra dumb poured on top, and shows that "autism" is on the list of things you actually know anything about. The dunning krugrer is far too real with you.
Your anecdote reads like, "OMG i'm sooo OCD, LOL," when people who like things looking neat having no grasp of having their impulse controls challenge and obsessive, intrusive thoughts. You reek of entitlement and ignorance, avoiding conflicting information from what you believe; thus willfully embracing ignorance. I say this as someone who is actually autistic.
You lack the lowest level of understanding of any of the science so far, so willing to bet you don't understand what your "specialists" are telling you. Or they are intentionally misleading you, which sucks for you. *** i *** am not claiming to know more or better than your "specialists," *** i *** am explaining how the evidence is contrary to what you claim and claim your "specialists" support. With your braindead take on metals and autism makes your effort to appeal to authority incredibly empty. No fault to the "specialists."
You are operating on beliefs, I am operating on understanding. I would never suggest or imply something I believed, without evidence, was of any more substance than any other belief. Your lack of evidential support for what you have told yourself you understand makes those no difference than your beliefs. No matter how hard you believe these unsubstantiated or falsely attempted to be supported by lies, that doesn't make them real.
I have no expectation to reason you away from ideas you did not use reason to reach in the first place. My comments/replies are for those who stumble upon your writing so that your lies, misinformation, and disinformation are not left unchallenged.
I write in effort to reduce harm.
You write for attention from the antivaxx industry and its audiences. You have chosen to consume and regurgitate its perversions of science. You champion ignorance and what you reject is rejected for rejections sake, not from evidence.
Questions that kill your assertions:
1. What tissues is mercury deposited after absorption by the gut after ingestion?
2. What are the circumstances/conditions required for organic mercury compound to be become an elemental mercury compound?
3. In your own words, what is the difference between elemental mercury and organic mercury?
4. What characteristic does elemental mercury have that allows it to pass thru cell membranes?
You are living an illusion. It can be scary realising your view of reality is not real. You come across as scared.
Here’s some advice. It might help you open your eyes.
🧐Almost all mental illness is caused by a combination of Mercury and Aluminium.
Certain gene mutations also mean some don’t process metals like the rest of us and are more hypersensitive to the effects of these metals.
People who get diagnosed as bipolar are suffering from a combination of mercury and aluminium exposure. I suspect from my observations those with a higher amount of amalgam fillings combined with aluminium often get diagnosed with schizophrenia but it’s also to do with their childhood too and what type of person that made them.
So the bipolar experience is also subjective and it all depends on if you’ve had trauma or abuse in your background.
Those who had a happy childhood get euphoria and party all the time and become extraverted. Not argumentative or paranoid. They need alcohol or drugs to do it though.
However if they are provoked they will get a huge adrenaline rush and deal with the provocation by whatever means is required.
It’s not until the aluminium from the vaccine wears off that they start to crash. But this crash is precipitated by being unable to financially sustain their life of partying. Suddenly there’s no alcohol to keep the memories in their head and racing thoughts quiet and they can no longer ignore them. This is when depression can set in for those with euphoria. Running out of alcohol.
That’s why they drink. Their instinct forces them to drink for relief. Their brain has no choice in the matter. If they cannot afford to drink all the time they will be depressed not euphoric. The voices are just snippets of old memories replaying and repeating over and over. It’s very noisy and repetitive.
This is also what happens in PTSD. That’s just what the combination of aluminium and mercury do. Those with PTSD and bipolar and schizophrenia etc need to remove metals and detoxify. This will stop all their symptoms and their instinct will stop them drinking or taking drugs as it no longer needs them to quieten the old memories and their mind.
The addition of the aluminium also takes away their foresight. They can no longer see the long term consequences of anything. This is a huge reason for crime.
Those diagnosed with bipolar who had trauma or abuse in their childhood or a less than ideal environment growing up become more depressed, argumentative, paranoid and snappy. They can get euphoria if provoked into being happy too with alcohol or drugs but are also the ones that become argumentative drunks or crying drunks.
Aluminium hypersensitivity without the presence of amalgam fillings causes adhd/autism type symptoms not bipolar symptoms.
Too much aluminium in the hypersensitive causes epilepsy. A toxic exposure to aluminium like in an industrial accident also causes epilepsy
I no longer have epilepsy after the piece of surgical rod containing aluminium in front of my spine was removed after being there 12 years.
Thimerasol on its own causes the severe autism cases in children
Aluminium on its own does too. But those affected mainly by thimerasol will also have some aluminium in them. And vice versa.
We can also be exposed to these metals in the womb.
But all these names like bipolar, schizophrenia, depression, epilepsy, adhd and PTSD are just made up names for different levels of mercury and aluminium hypersensitivity/toxicity
They are made up terms and they are not real things.
People with these symptoms don’t have psychiatric illness or mental illness as there’s no such thing
These people are suffering from a combination of mercury and aluminium exposure. Any trauma or abuse in their background is only affecting them due to the aluminium and mercury. That’s why they can’t ignore their past trauma. It’s stuck in their mind field by the aluminium and mercury
Most of psychiatry should be replaced with metal hypersensitivity consultants. That would mean these patients would get appropriate healthcare and would be cured and able to live a productive and prosperous life. And they wouldn’t drink alcohol. Their instinct would no longer force them to drink alcohol for relief.
The way allopathic medicine currently deals with mercury and aluminium exposure is evil, abusive and ruins lives
The only way these people will get appropriate healthcare is if psychiatry realised what they have been doing and how many lives they have ruined.
But they will never want to admit they have been ruining lives due to liability so they will keep denying that metals are harmful to humans.
If the science of our biological responses to metals was integrated into allopathic healthcare it would bust open the whole psychiatry scam.
So the mental health industry have a huge incentive to keep denying metals are the cause of most mental illness as they’ll be out of a job and looking like monsters for what they’ve been doing to people for years
This is a lot more accurate than the position represented by the government. It is not often I hear the truth about the care systems in New Zealand, thank you Mark for speaking up:-)
Without the truth change can not be made. Change must be made, iatrogenic practices must be stopped, living off of ones own failures must stop. Accountability will always occur and what should have happened is honesty, it did and does not, rather we are now expected to live in denial of the truth?
Only Karma needs to do its work! Grubberments will ultimately collapse
a freaking comprehensive manifesto
Well said Mark and very well written too! 😊
All laid out so plain..... I thank you......The truth will set us ..." FREE " Great Work!
What a load.
Not seeming much point in reading past this: "scientific research found that Thimerasol(mercury) in vaccines was causing autism" No, a grifter claimed this falsehood, trying to promote sales of their patented vaccine ( @ appropriate timestamp but entire video is good) by demonizing the multidose and other grifters followed suit parroting this claim, but SCIENCE showed otherwise. The fear mongering about atomic mercury just shows a lack of even a high school level of understanding of chemistry, molecules specifically; like being afraid to consume any food that contains salt because salt is made up of chlorine and sodium.
Scrolled thru a bit further, overall gist of your writing is thing you like are morally "good" and things you don't like (or seem to understand at all, like mRNA vaccines development going back ~40 years) are morally "evil." The quantity of ableist, bigoted, and ignorance that you manage to fit in 3500 words makes for you producing nightmare level of propaganda.
"Mental illness is not real...Mental illness is caused by toxicity." The ideas you express about mental health are the stated with a confidence, like being proud of wearing a dunce cap and being elected the mayor of the Dunning Kruger Effect.
How you can say so much about so many things you know almost nothing factual about is wild.
All one can hope is no one else is ignorant enough to take your fk'd up ideas seriously.
Your belief that thimerasol is safe for human consumption takes away any credibility you think you have. These are my life experiences. It is autobiographical in a way. It is no fallacy. It seems your mind has been captured by business interests trying to hide the harm their products have caused.
Even the cdc admitted they were aware that thimerasol was causing autism which is why they stopped using it in vaccines. I’d suggest you listen to some of the experts consulted by the vaccine courts. You may also want to look into the minamata convention. Your views are cookie cutter govt propaganda.
Mental illness is a relatively new invention historically. It is the manifestation of a neurological injury. If you think mental illness is not a manifestation of neurological injury then please do provide me with some evidence as to what you think causes what you call mental illness. Surely you can tell me the cause of mental illness if you believe it to be.
All up you haven’t provided anything to this conversation. Youve just gone on a frantic rant to preserve your interpretation of reality.
Do you think that perhaps there may be things going on in this world that you aren’t aware of. I am allergic to vaccines. I have also had multiple adverse events to dental work and orthopaedic implants. I have had adverse events to thimerasol and to the metals in dental work. Thankfully most of the world has now banned amalgam fillings due to the harm they cause to human health. I imagine you are going to tell me that amalgam fillings are safe too lol.
Dude, unfortunately you have been very gullible. Your lack of experience is likely the reason.
I on the other hand have lived what I have written and have been lucky enough to have the best specialists in the world on this topic looking after me.
You on the other hand appear to have based your beliefs about my health issues and experiences on stuff you saw on YouTube.
It seems my article has upset you. But as they say, the truth hurts
Why would my credibility with someone who lies ad nauseam matter?
CDC never admitted such a thing. Was removed from public outcry. You know this, which is why you didn't even try to share a link to support this falsehood. Seems like you don't know who and who is not an expert. Your understanding, well lack thereof really, of biochemistry and... like everything else, has you giving weight to the words of crooks and cons.
Please point out any factual errors in the youtube video link that you have found? (understand that I not going to hold my breath waiting for this)
Methylmercury, which is found in fish, and is actually cytotoxic, has a 2.5x longer half-life in the body than the ethylmercury in thimeraol. (meHG half-life of 19 days vs etHG half-life of 7 days)
Facts & evidence of your willful, intentional disinformation may not be what you want, but that doesn't mean it doesn't contribute. Factual rant, not frantic, about reality absent interpretation noting that I would be happy to share my opinions, which I have kept to descriptors of how I feel about persons who share.
The need to resort to belittling and for really real ad hominem rather than respond with substance to the arguments is rather telling. All for trash talk, but you have to earn it, which you haven't. Not even close.
The irony oozes with the projection of you, who has "specialists" with credentials they got out for a cracker jack box, calling me gullible. Disappointed, not upset.
Woah what truth? Please tell me when and where you ever got to the truth part. The only hurt here is the severe cringe I feel at the embarrassment you are too deluded to know you should feel typing, let alone submitting that reply.
No actually you only think you can back up everything you say with evidence but you can’t.
It is a delusion of yours. There are many uneducated people like you who think that reading some research makes you clever.
But it doesn’t.
You are not a scientist and you do not know more than my specialists
I could put links to lots of research showing autism is caused by the metals in vaccines written by actual scientists and not some uneducated victim. But you don’t even seem to know how science works. I suspect you are young.
You obviously also have no idea on the involvement of politics in science either and I suspect the only scientific writings on autism that you read are ones which back up the beliefs you already hold. In fact I know that’s what you are doing by the things you have already said.
You keep ignoring that the human body turns ethyl mercury into methyl mercury because it contradicts your beliefs. The dr didn’t tell me the mercury from my amalgam fillings in my blood was safe. He said it was dangerous yet here you are stating that you are right and drs are wrong
You also seem to be ignoring that most countries have declared the mercury in amalgam fillings as harmful for humans. So you think the entire European Union is wrong about the harm caused by amalgam fillings.
And you’re ignoring that the harm to humans by mercury in amalgam fillings is measured and recorded in blood tests. You need to stop listening to political theatre
See what I mean. You ignore everything that doesn’t fit with your views and pretend you didn’t hear what I said.
The aluminium adjuvant in vaccines has also never been tested for safety in any vaccine trials ever in recorded history. Aluminium is what they replaced thimerasol with. It causes milder forms of autism.
You may also want to look into the vaccine court and look into the experts they have consulted in the past.
So there is not much point entertaining your delusions. You think you know better than health authorities all over the world on amalgam fillings and the specialists who do the diagnosis and testing.
Actually perhaps you should read “the political economy of autism” although I think your goal here is to denigrate all research that doesn’t fit your long held beliefs.
I’ve already told you about the cdc emails but you just say it’s a lie. See how you have a mental block which is stopping you from even acknowledging anything that doesn’t support your beliefs. That alone should ring some alarm bells for you. You are sabotaging you’re own learning with some kind of psychological block
So there really isn’t much point even talking to you as
You also seem to be ignoring the role of the immune system. The job of the immune system is to attack and remove foreign antigens. Most metals are foreign antigens. When the immune system encounters foreign antigens it attacks them as they are a danger. Just like it attacks mercury and aluminium and titanium which I’m also allergic to.
Do you not see how ridiculous your beliefs in the safety of metals are. A foreign body reaction is tested for with a different test than type 4 allergies but I guess you don’t believe in foreign body reactions to.
You also lack experience. Unlike the specialists I have consulted.
Since you’re autistic I was wondering if you’ve noticed how all transgender are autistic. There’s research into that too
Thimerasol is a neurotoxin. Every year thousands of people have their blood tested for harm caused by thimerasol. It looks like you have sought your beliefs from the manufacturers of these toxic products and think that it represents reality. Do you even know what an antigen is? Ethyl mercury is turned into methyl mercury in the body via the process of methylation. Most countries have now banned amalgam fillings due to the harm caused to human health yet you are trying to claim they are all wrong. Science has moved on and your beliefs on amalgam fillings are out of date. The propaganda of chemical manufacturers does not represent reality. Just because they have fooled you doesn’t mean that people harmed by these products aren’t getting help. We are.
I have toxic levels of mercury in my blood. The mercury which the health authorities regard as toxic and harmful to my health came from my amalgam fillings. And the health system has a protocol to manage it. Yet you are trying to tell me that mercury from amalgam fillings is safe. So forgive me for believing my drs over you.
Do you not see how ridiculous you look claiming to know more about my health than me, my drs or all the signatories to the minamata convention.
I think you have too much faith in your own beliefs.
So you can spend your time going round telling complete strangers that thimerasol is not a neurotoxin and that mercury in amalgam fillings is safe but that is not reality.
By the way, it’s was discovered in internal emails at the cdc that they had been aware that vaccines cause autism for 14 years before the email was uncovered.
It’s metals that cause autism. I am not autistic but I have had the symptoms of autism. Caused by my type 4 allergies to certain metals. It occurred after surgery in 2019. I didn’t just get autism symptoms and had others too. So the implant was removed and the autism symptoms disappeared.
I also developed epilepsy after a 2008 surgery. That was caused by metals too. The offending piece of metal was discovered in 2020. It was removed and I no longer have epilepsy.
Your beliefs are not only out of date but uninformed.
Reality is quite different than the PR budgets of pharmaceutical companies would have you think. No you don’t know better than my specialists. And as mentioned the harm from amalgam fillings has now been proven and actioned by most govts who have now banned them.
Anything I assert I can support with evidence.
Your assertions are empty fiction.
Do you have any arguments that are not based on creating fear mongering in drooling, ignorant mouth breathers? Oooo "Neurotoxin" such a scary word, until you learn that our OWN neurotransmitters, nitric oxide and glutamate, that is produces by OUR bodies are also neurotoxins.
It is impossible, even if you put thermasol in every vaccine one gets in their lifetime, and given to an child on the same day, for the concentration in their body to reach the levels needed to replace enzymes to cross blood brain barrier and then need even more to affect the brain. You are full of it.
Sorry to hear about the toxic mercury levels in your blood. Even more sorry no doctor or specialist has taken the time to explain to you the difference between elemental mercury and organic mercury. Lots of elementary science text books have this explained in them with neat cartoons that even you might be able to grasp.
Assure you, outside the deluded victims that make up the audience who feed the antivaxx industry with attention or money, I am a voice of reason here. Not looking foolish at all. That foolish you are trying to shade me with is all you.
CDC emails are all public record and no such emails exist. Please stop lying, I will just call you out at each time. Can't wrap my head about being so dishonest, know you are doing it, but leaning hard on lying more rather than coming back to factual reality. No situation I could see myself resorting so such depravity, and hope I never find myself so disconnected from the harm that one doing so can cause that I find myself in such a situation in the future.
Metals do not cause autism. That is so incredibly dumb, like dumb, with a side of dumb, and extra dumb poured on top, and shows that "autism" is on the list of things you actually know anything about. The dunning krugrer is far too real with you.
Your anecdote reads like, "OMG i'm sooo OCD, LOL," when people who like things looking neat having no grasp of having their impulse controls challenge and obsessive, intrusive thoughts. You reek of entitlement and ignorance, avoiding conflicting information from what you believe; thus willfully embracing ignorance. I say this as someone who is actually autistic.
You lack the lowest level of understanding of any of the science so far, so willing to bet you don't understand what your "specialists" are telling you. Or they are intentionally misleading you, which sucks for you. *** i *** am not claiming to know more or better than your "specialists," *** i *** am explaining how the evidence is contrary to what you claim and claim your "specialists" support. With your braindead take on metals and autism makes your effort to appeal to authority incredibly empty. No fault to the "specialists."
You are operating on beliefs, I am operating on understanding. I would never suggest or imply something I believed, without evidence, was of any more substance than any other belief. Your lack of evidential support for what you have told yourself you understand makes those no difference than your beliefs. No matter how hard you believe these unsubstantiated or falsely attempted to be supported by lies, that doesn't make them real.
I have no expectation to reason you away from ideas you did not use reason to reach in the first place. My comments/replies are for those who stumble upon your writing so that your lies, misinformation, and disinformation are not left unchallenged.
I write in effort to reduce harm.
You write for attention from the antivaxx industry and its audiences. You have chosen to consume and regurgitate its perversions of science. You champion ignorance and what you reject is rejected for rejections sake, not from evidence.
Questions that kill your assertions:
1. What tissues is mercury deposited after absorption by the gut after ingestion?
2. What are the circumstances/conditions required for organic mercury compound to be become an elemental mercury compound?
3. In your own words, what is the difference between elemental mercury and organic mercury?
4. What characteristic does elemental mercury have that allows it to pass thru cell membranes?
Like I said, only took these 4 questions. Way to fail, lol
You are living an illusion. It can be scary realising your view of reality is not real. You come across as scared.
Here’s some advice. It might help you open your eyes.
🧐Almost all mental illness is caused by a combination of Mercury and Aluminium.
Certain gene mutations also mean some don’t process metals like the rest of us and are more hypersensitive to the effects of these metals.
People who get diagnosed as bipolar are suffering from a combination of mercury and aluminium exposure. I suspect from my observations those with a higher amount of amalgam fillings combined with aluminium often get diagnosed with schizophrenia but it’s also to do with their childhood too and what type of person that made them.
So the bipolar experience is also subjective and it all depends on if you’ve had trauma or abuse in your background.
Those who had a happy childhood get euphoria and party all the time and become extraverted. Not argumentative or paranoid. They need alcohol or drugs to do it though.
However if they are provoked they will get a huge adrenaline rush and deal with the provocation by whatever means is required.
It’s not until the aluminium from the vaccine wears off that they start to crash. But this crash is precipitated by being unable to financially sustain their life of partying. Suddenly there’s no alcohol to keep the memories in their head and racing thoughts quiet and they can no longer ignore them. This is when depression can set in for those with euphoria. Running out of alcohol.
That’s why they drink. Their instinct forces them to drink for relief. Their brain has no choice in the matter. If they cannot afford to drink all the time they will be depressed not euphoric. The voices are just snippets of old memories replaying and repeating over and over. It’s very noisy and repetitive.
This is also what happens in PTSD. That’s just what the combination of aluminium and mercury do. Those with PTSD and bipolar and schizophrenia etc need to remove metals and detoxify. This will stop all their symptoms and their instinct will stop them drinking or taking drugs as it no longer needs them to quieten the old memories and their mind.
The addition of the aluminium also takes away their foresight. They can no longer see the long term consequences of anything. This is a huge reason for crime.
Those diagnosed with bipolar who had trauma or abuse in their childhood or a less than ideal environment growing up become more depressed, argumentative, paranoid and snappy. They can get euphoria if provoked into being happy too with alcohol or drugs but are also the ones that become argumentative drunks or crying drunks.
Aluminium hypersensitivity without the presence of amalgam fillings causes adhd/autism type symptoms not bipolar symptoms.
Too much aluminium in the hypersensitive causes epilepsy. A toxic exposure to aluminium like in an industrial accident also causes epilepsy
I no longer have epilepsy after the piece of surgical rod containing aluminium in front of my spine was removed after being there 12 years.
Thimerasol on its own causes the severe autism cases in children
Aluminium on its own does too. But those affected mainly by thimerasol will also have some aluminium in them. And vice versa.
We can also be exposed to these metals in the womb.
But all these names like bipolar, schizophrenia, depression, epilepsy, adhd and PTSD are just made up names for different levels of mercury and aluminium hypersensitivity/toxicity
They are made up terms and they are not real things.
People with these symptoms don’t have psychiatric illness or mental illness as there’s no such thing
These people are suffering from a combination of mercury and aluminium exposure. Any trauma or abuse in their background is only affecting them due to the aluminium and mercury. That’s why they can’t ignore their past trauma. It’s stuck in their mind field by the aluminium and mercury
Most of psychiatry should be replaced with metal hypersensitivity consultants. That would mean these patients would get appropriate healthcare and would be cured and able to live a productive and prosperous life. And they wouldn’t drink alcohol. Their instinct would no longer force them to drink alcohol for relief.
The way allopathic medicine currently deals with mercury and aluminium exposure is evil, abusive and ruins lives
The only way these people will get appropriate healthcare is if psychiatry realised what they have been doing and how many lives they have ruined.
But they will never want to admit they have been ruining lives due to liability so they will keep denying that metals are harmful to humans.
If the science of our biological responses to metals was integrated into allopathic healthcare it would bust open the whole psychiatry scam.
So the mental health industry have a huge incentive to keep denying metals are the cause of most mental illness as they’ll be out of a job and looking like monsters for what they’ve been doing to people for years
Hey bro you realize that "My Struggle" is a bit of an unfortunate name for a substack newsletter?